A company code is the smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. At present, IDES consists of eleven company codes. Each company code fulfills a specific business task.
A company is the smallest organizational unit for which individual financial statements can be drawn up (in accordance with the appropriate trading laws) for purposes of external reporting. A company’s financial statement forms the basis of a consolidated financial statement.
A company can consist of one or more company codes. In IDES, however, each company consists of one company code.
A consolidation group is called a subgroup if the consolidation units are companies. The IDES group consists of three subgroups: IDES Europe, IDES America, and IDES Asia. The IDES group has a centralized head office. The subgroups comprise the following companies:
Subgroup IDES Europe
Subgroup IDES North America
Subgroup IDES Asia
Credit control area
A credit control area is an area responsible for granting and monitoring customer credit. This credit is monitored across all company codes. The IDES system contains our credit control areas:
Business areas
A business area is an organizational unit of financial accounting that represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be assigned to a specific business area. As a legal entity, the company code represents the company that draws up financial statements. You can also use the business area to form organizational units which extend beyond a company code and which represent a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. The business area forms internal structures for external reporting. This enables you to report on the profit and loss (P&L) statement and selected balance sheet items for product lines or regional structures.
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